Guidelines for ghost gear retrieval dives

Before the dive You should be in good physical condition, well-rested, and very hydrated because…   – It is demanding work that will take a lot of strength & energy.   – You need to be vigilant on the dive, go to sleep earlier than normal.   – You will lose 0.8L per dive, just from being in saltwater, then add on for your hard work, the heat, the sun, all in addition to your normal recommended intake. Please let the person in charge know if you are not confident/comfortable with… – How you are feeling, physically or emotionally. – … Continue reading Guidelines for ghost gear retrieval dives

Glass bottles as substrate?

What happens when the corals grow larger and the glass breaks under the pressure? There have been others to try this method only to abandon it a few years later once they start seeing the broken glass damaging marine life 😭. Plus even though it “not much” the cement will not allow most species to adhere to it as it’s toxic for the corals, and the only people that win with use of concrete is its manufacturer, whose primary function is truly the destruction of the planet. Food for thought. We’re just with the belief that this is a short … Continue reading Glass bottles as substrate?

How I got started, in essence

We need the entire world aware of the state of coral reefs. The “perfect” way to make a change is to get up and be the change. Stop waiting for anyone else to do anything else. You, me and every other person on this planet, we’re all part of the problem, are we not? Please start this very instant. Tomorrow is always tomorrow, and a few years will always be in a few years, it never arrives. If the person next to you won’t change, they might be toxic and don’t deserve your companionship. If people start leaving the reinforcers … Continue reading How I got started, in essence


Seafood was easy for me to cut out of my life… I was diving on a good reef in the Dominican Republic. In a 45 minute dive I saw 1 parrotfish. Just 1. Then the boat dropped us back off at the beach. From there I could see all the shops/ cabanas lining the beach, each with an attractive sign “PARROTFISH!” Then I looked at all the people on the beach, and there were so many people eating friend fish, and most clearly appeared to be parrotfish. In that moment without needing to think about it much at all, I … Continue reading Parrotfish

¿Para que sirvan los arrecifes artificiales?

Buen pregunta… …el razón es que la gente no pueden admitir que la naturaleza sabe mejor. Si querían hacer un restauración del bosque vayan decir que es locura para añadir esa basura, pero la gente piensa que está bien para hacer en el mar, no, no está bien ni fácil ni financieramente posible. La pensamiento es que este cosa artificial es por corales, pero corales no gustan el concreto que tiene un pH bien alta y tanta químicas. Pero se funciona muy bien por los peces para tener un lugar para esconder y los redes no funcionan bien entre las … Continue reading ¿Para que sirvan los arrecifes artificiales?

Not using PVC in “restoration!”

Thank you for not using PVC 🌊🦈🤗 For anyone reading this… PVC plumbing pipes are probably the most commonly used artificial structure, which is tragically saddening. One person sees another person’s pretty looking post and then duplicates the process. But know first what is happening. PVC renders coral infertile. So as you see the individual grow, that’s all they will be, an individual colony. It cannot spawn to spread throughout the reef. Thus eventually dooming it to eventual death or who knows 😳🤔 PVC releases doxin into the water as it breaksup, polluting the ocean and furthur contributing to the … Continue reading Not using PVC in “restoration!”

Español – ¿arrecifes artificiales? ¡Hay otro método más fácil!

Para plantar los es más fácil que piensas. No debes construir cosas artificiales, esto contribuya al continuación marino. Simplemente necesites poner estés fragmentos con el muerto esqueleto coralino, y puedes usar el súper pegamento (cyanoacrylate 99%) con etil-2. Con pedacitos tan pequeño debía sostener por el coral a crecer y agarrar un punto de apoyo. Pero no ponle donde está corriente que vaya jalar. También el PVC causa infertilidad a los corales. Continue reading Español – ¿arrecifes artificiales? ¡Hay otro método más fácil!

Workshop: Coral Restoration

Become certified to help a coral restoration propagation! 1 day workshop, introduction to Coral Restoration. Cost per person: $100 usd, suggested price, depending on location and circumstances. Workshop Itinerary 8:30am Breakfast 10:15am Registration 10:30am Ocean Quest Presentation followed by Q&A Session. 12:30pm ● Lunch 1:30pm ● Briefing on site. ● Workshop start (Demonstration) ● Preparations continue & Team will plant 4 different coral species. 3:00pm ● Workshop ends ● Certificate Presentation ● Group Photos 4:00pm ● Boat Depart for Day Trip participants. ● Overnight participants – free & easy. Thank you! Continue reading Workshop: Coral Restoration

4. Coral fragments

This can be done with teams performing separate tasks, or if you don’t have many, two can do it all. Have the plan for how you are recreating the reef, so which species you’ll need to find and keep a balance. Send team A to find coral pieces that have been naturally broken off. These coral fragments would otherwise die in the sand, but once we pick them up we want to keep them alive. Just like scuba diving, where you can not ascend quickly, coral do not have lungs, so they must only ascend if needed, and then do … Continue reading 4. Coral fragments